Chapter 57

The heels were rather high for these shoes, much higher than the heels Larissa usually wore. She could not quite master the height difference yet and fell sideways just after taking a step. Thankfully, Kevan caught her before she could hit the floor.”

After using him to regain her balance, Larissa tried to leave his embrace, but he stopped her.

“Do you want to fall again?” he asked coldly, causing Larissa to bite her lip, and she stopped moving.

Vivian, who had been quiet, finally spoke up. “How’s Ms. Seymour’s look? Is it…good to go?”

“Yes,” Kevan replied.

“And you…?” Vivian studied him once again, her eyes showing her desire to try her little idea from before.

Kevan ignored her passionate gaze

Vivian’s shoulders drooped.

while patting the high stool. She did not know

helped her take off the

for you again once we reach

racing once more even as a sense

private villa located halfway up the

drove up from the foot of the hill, all

the only place preserved in the heart of Covenford. As a result, the villa was quite expensive. Even the average elite would

grew more and more uneasy, her anxiety racking up as

Chapter 57

her chest for dear

was shocking, and various plants and sculptures could be seen. Other than having wide driveways, the courtyard also had narrow cobblestone paths. Right in

sighing to herself. Poverty had truly limited her imagination. The lives of the rich were so opulent to

four–story villa there. Kevan got out of the car first while Larissa was still unbuckling her seat belt, and he opened her door.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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