Chapter 76

“Apologies, Ms. Seymour.” Despite the supposed apology, the person’s tone was haughty. “After the episode in

which your in–laws appeared went viral, our production team has been getting more than ten calls per day.

Our schedules are now fully packed till the end of the year. If you don’t mind being aired late, I can make a

registration for you. Someone will inform you of your shooting date by then.”

Larissa knew all too well that she had offended the whole production crew with her harsh words then, so their deliberately difficult attitude was to be expected.

“No need for the trouble,” she said. She only meant to try her luck by making this call. If it did work, then it would be for the best; but if it didn’t, she still had an alternative.

connections she could reach out to–especially at a seven–star hotel like the

a livestream tomorrow, right? Can I borrow around

get into the business. During

active players now.

e–sports scene, she signed with StreamWave Studios and became a streamer, gaining tens of millions of fans with her great gaming skills and humor. She was always top

was the undoubted A–Queen

ago when the Quickstrike Archangels came to Covenford to participate in a tournament. The organizers of the tournament had arranged for them to

for their closeness was a complete

never seen it. The tournament was around the corner, and this girl, who fans jokingly called “Bro Zero” due to her tomboyish attitude, actually hid and cried till her eyes were swollen.

crawled on the floor on all fours and searched her room for a day before finding that tiny obsidian ear stud between

lucky ear stud empowering Zero, the Quickstrike Archangels successfully defeated the neighboring country’s team and

due to work purposes, only then did they communicate much more frequently online.


Chapter 76

her for almost a month over this.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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