Chapter 80

Larissa locked up frantically at Zero, who gave her a reassuring look in return. Bracing herself against the

table with one hand, Zero bent down to look at the camera.

“I won’t be streaming games today,” she said seriously. “I just want to take up a little bit of your time, to

borrow a bit of your power to seek justice for my Lady Luck.”

The phrase “Lady Luck” was always something Zero said whenever she played tournaments back then.

my Lady Luck last night;

can get the championship, we WILL get

Lady Luck was someone she saw as someone more important than her own teammates, and Larissa made quite a deep impression on them when

on 100 Tier 2 Gift Subs on Zero’s first

a little

to meet

Lady Luck

Luck is mine

Luck says we go, we

were no complaining comments at

abuse hurled at her, but her fans‘

your understanding and support.” She actually felt like crying.

she composed herself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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