Chapter 82

“I stayed at the hospital until Ms. Levange woke up. But the moment she did, she dragged me to Mr. Hardy’s ward and wanted me to take care of him. It was only then did I know that Mr. Hardy was now paralyzed from the waist down and would be bed bound for the rest of his life. So, Ms. Levange wanted to get rid of her” burden” as soon as possible.

“Compared to his parents. Mr. Hardy had more of a sense of shame. He asked me to leave and said that he would never let his parents disturb me any longer. But not long after that, I got a call from the nurse, who said she could not find Mr. Hardy’s parents. She could only call me from the number left behind by Ms. Levange so that I could pay for Mr. Hardy’s overdue medical fees amounting to ten thousand dollars.”

The nurse who called Larissa entered the livestream room. After she stated her identity, she began to detail what happened that night.

“Finally, let me tell you why Ms. Levange and Mr. Hardy could not pay for the medical fees and insisted on having me pay for it.

“As I said, I temporarily wasn’t able to divorce Mr. Hardy yet because the terms of divorce had not been settled. Why was it not settled? Because Mr. Hardy made me sign an agreement for gifting of property while I was not cognizant several months ago, and went through illegal means to have a house, that I bought, transferred to his own name. He even used all of his money to buy a new house for his parents in his hometown. In other words, Mr. Hardy does not have any savings now, and his parents can’t bear to sell the house for his medical treatment.

that belongs to me, apart from divorcing him. The house for his parents was bought using marital assets, and he never discussed it with me. I suspect that he is guilty of deliberately transferring assets, so requesting him to sell the house and give me

people donating money for Mr. Hardy’s treatment, and I’d like to say that they are not yet in dire straits. Please don’t be fooled by them and have your kindness be consumed by them.”

to say, Larissa

at the time at the bottom right corner of the computer screen, Larissa chuckled as she said, “Zero’s streams always last

to my manager. Today’s stream ends here. To compensate

the first part of her sentence, the comments displayed

then turned off the

was mild, so Dylan could not

Chapter 62


We won’t be waiting for Larissa?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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