Chapter 84

Declining Zero’s invitation for supper, Larissa left by herself.

Now that it was past dinner time, the elevators at Microworks were mostly empty. She was able to reach the

first floor very quickly. The security guard recognized her and leaped out of his chair at once.

“Ms. Seymour!” he greeted her, all smiles as he voluntarily opened the special access gate for her before she

could speak.

Larissa thanked him immediately, and he dipped his head as a sign of respect. “Goodbye, Ms. Seymour! Please come again!”

Larissa suddenly had the sensation of mistakenly entering some high–end restaurant.

After walking out of the Microworks Building, she turned back to look, and it was still lit up. At this point, it was already 10 pm.

past. She waited for a while before an empty cab came her way. She had just given the driver the

she asked, “What’s

trying to jump off the Victory General Hospital! It looks like that shitty mother–in–law of yours!”

some calculation, she figured that the crew of “The Mediators Room” must have found

extent that there may be more behind–the- scenes things exposed. But she did not anticipate that Janine would pull the suicide card now

that Janine was only pretending. She would not actually

press too. Do you want to go check it

driver to

quiet the roads were, it only took less than ten minutes for her to get to the hospital from the Microworks Building.

was already a crowd gathered below the surgery building. Police cars and a firetruck were already parked nearby. A few policemen were trying to disperse the crowd

of the building.

from the top. Larissa heard everything


Chapter 84

seemed that it really was her ex–mother–in–law, Ms. Janine Levange.

going on?” a

bitching about her daughter–in–law? Well, her daughter–in–law set the record straight today. and even said she was

That Janine Levange, was it? I watched that episode. I even donated money to them.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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