Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 11 Mountain Villa

Yolande slipped into Austin's car and he drove by himself.

The car turned around and turned into a familiar road, which was the mountain villa of Aron Gu.

Yolande couldn't help clenching her fists. A kind of anger was about to erupt. Austin said he brought her to see how happy Sunny was now. So had she moved to Aron's house?

Since she left Gu family, she secretly swore that she would never set foot in it again.

"Can we go back?"

"How do you make up your mind to revenge without taking a look at Sunny's comfortable life now?"

"They have lived together. Sunny made a man-made car accident and thought you were dead. She couldn't wait to move into the villa of the Aron," said Austin.

'Huh, she really can't wait to let her sister die early.' Yolande smiled coldly.

"How can you let them get their wish? You're not dead, nut still living well. It's really sorry for what you've suffered for so many years to not let this kind of person pay the price, "said Austin ironically.

They was approaching the villa of Aron, which was one of the places that Yolande didn't want to come to. The familiar garden and the phoenix tree were filled with all her old memories. Her heart was beating faster, and the sky was shrouded in a haze. The car stopped at the villa. On the second floor of Aron's villa, a familiar face hit her heart.

Aron and Sunny hugged each other. One was her sister, and the other was her husband who she had lived with for three years.

what a perfect

heart was deeply hurt. The man she had loved for more than ten years made a

belonged to Aron, he

body couldn't help trembling. Why

it. She felt a sharp pain in her heart when she saw the scene that she didn't want to see the

wrist and said, "Don't go. In their eyes, you're dead. You died in

to let Yolande completely disappear in the world, Sunny could live a happy life with Aron for the rest of her life. She even made a car accident to kill Yolande. If Yolande went down now, the two people upstairs

the two people were having a good sex life with extremely happy. They didn't expect that Yolande was still alive, and she was in

bit her lips to hold back her tears, but they flowed out

to cry, just do it. You'll feel much better after crying. If you get tired from crying, I'll lend you my shoulder." She

time, as if her tears were almost dry. Then she slowly raised her slippery little face and took a look at the window upstairs, while they were still holding

couldn't see Aron's face clearly, but she believed he must be

was just a despicable hustler.

on her wedding ceremony with Aron. And Sunny didn't forget

She was lying in bed in a strange hotel.

her. Aron opened the door and said, "Yolande, we have been together for so many years. You've been hiding yourself

you think I am? You cheated on me! I didn't even recognize

inexplicably, it occurred to Yolande suddenly that

not to say it.She cried again and again, "No,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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