Sweet Twins

Chapter 49 Love Will Grow As Time Goes By

Clenching her fists, Doris kept silent.

But just then, Jay shouted, "Doris! Where are you?"

"Doris is here? You two seem to be very familiar with each other," Charles said, shooting Jay a curious look.

"Mr. Fang, you're somewhat of a celebrity in this city. On the other hand, Doris is just an ordinary, straightforward woman. If you're looking for women to play with, you should look elsewhere." Nancy spoke with a smile, but her eyes were filled with warning.

Jay flicked his hair. "I know I have a bad reputation, Nancy. But you can't trust all the rumors. It's true that I like to play, but this time, I'm being serious."

Realizing that his words were a little glib, Jay patted his face and added, "I mean, I don't want to play with Doris."

"So you mean you want to marry her?" Nancy asked incredulously.

Doris had never been in love before. However, a famous playboy like Jay could surely be charming enough to win her over.

If Doris ended up falling in love with him, she would get hurt.

Upon hearing Nancy's question, Jay laughed. "Marry her?" It was his turn to sound incredulous. Although Jay thought that Doris was different from other women, he had no intention of falling in love with her or marrying her.

"Ah. I apologize, Mr. Fang. But since you're not sincere about Doris, I'll have to take her away," Nancy said coldly.

"No way!" Feeling his crotch hurt again, Jay stretched his legs.

"Mr. Fang, don't you think you're going too far? What did Doris do to you? Why can't you let her go?" Nancy was outraged at Jay's inexplicable behavior. Was this how all playboys behaved? She couldn't stand them!

"It's not like that. Sister-in-law⁠—" Jay began, but he was immediately cut off by Nancy.

"Don't call me sister-in-law. Do you hear me?"

"Okay, I won't."

He turned to Charles for support, but Charles looked a little angry as well.

He was too embarrassed to explain the situation to the two of them, but right now, it seemed like he didn't have any other choice. He was caught in a dilemma.

Finally, he said slowly, "The thing is, Doris is my personal doctor. I can't live without her now. That's the truth. Don't get me wrong." Nancy silently observed the way Jay was twisting his legs in discomfort.

in the andrology department, she could immediately guess

After all, this man was a playboy. He was

you?" Nancy

like you think!" Jay explained hurriedly. "It's not a disease. It's just a minor injury." Although

on. "Did Doris hurt

that girl..." Jay began to explain, but he felt another burst of pain shoot through his crotch. "It hurts

Even if you're injured, it's not appropriate for Doris to stay here all day and take care of you," Nancy insisted. To her, her best friend's well-being was much

will grow as time goes by. Maybe they will slowly fall in love with each other!"

"That's impossible!" Jay retorted.

then, Nancy smelled something strange in the air. "Hey,

burning?" Charles asked, perplexed. He

something overcook," Jay said, shaking his head.

was no response from

kitchen explode!" Jay told Charles and Nancy worriedly. In his state, he could barely get

as Charles and

and saw black smoke coming out of the pot on the

are you?" Charles

there was

never had to deal with such a problem before, so she

heat, but the area around the stove

there was a loud crackling sound coming from

quickly, Charles put on the pair of oven mitts, grabbed the iron pot, and ran

shouted, "Charles, it's very

Charles threw the iron pot to the floor and poured a bucket of

noise, the smoke

they hurt?" Nancy asked, her

as I have you to worry about me, everything

a time like this?" Nancy asked disapprovingly. Then,

They're made to withstand heat, after all,"

both his hands were

man," Charles reassured her with a smile. Then, he lifted his hand and gently

rushed into his heart after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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