Sweet Twins

Chapter 40 The Tearing Pain

Doris was in a drunken haze. When the car hit the tree, she was so scared that she froze, not even bringing her hands up to cover her head.

The crash threw her sideways against Jay.

But in his attempt to bring the car to a stop, Jay had leaned back against his seat, and Doris ended up hitting his legs instead, causing him to immediately cry out in pain.

It was not that his legs weren't sturdy enough to take Doris' weight;

rather, there was another part of his lower body that was extremely sensitive to any pressure.

Now that it had been completely crushed by Doris, he felt so much pain that he couldn't help but curse and twist his legs.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you hurt?" Doris asked nervously as she straightened up and saw the agony on his face.

In fact, the first thing that came to her mind was relief that this man was still alive; otherwise, she would have to be responsible for clearing the one hundred million table back at the hotel.

There was no way she could afford it!

"My little soldier... My little soldier..." Jay whimpered in pain.

"Where did you get hurt? Let me have a look," Doris said, concern creeping into her voice.

"You want to have a look? You want to have a look?!" Jay asked, his voice getting higher and higher in disbelief. Then, he pushed Doris aside and got out of the car.

But that was when he realized just how bad his condition was, because he could not walk at all. With every step he took, a burst of pain shot up his crotch, making him feel as if he was on the verge of death.

"Where on earth did you get hurt? I won't leave until you tell me!" Doris said persistently. 'Why do I even care about this man? He keeps being so rude to me,' she thought, perplexed with herself.

After all, she wasn't the one who had caused the car incident, let alone his injury.

There was no reason for her to feel guilty or worried about him. And yet...

Instead of answering, Jay shot her such a cold glare that it made Doris freeze and stand aside obediently.

Then, gritting his teeth, he forced out a sentence word by word. "Take me to the hospital."

asked stiffly, annoyed at the

one has the best andrology department," Jay replied with a stony

was undeniable that she was the best andrology doctor in

needed an andrology doctor, did it

was injured

doctors who specialized in andrology, just like there were male

didn't even understand what she was saying and just stared at her

woman or not? Oh wait, you aren't. What the hell are

to be nice to you. How can you say that to me? You're the one who asked me for the best andrology doctor, remember? You deserve to die without descendants!

andrology doctor?" Even though they had spent the day together, Jay had no idea what her profession was, because he hadn't been interested enough in her to get

for the one hundred million he had lost, he would never have had any other interaction with her

be a doctor, let alone one that

to say

Mr. Fang. It's impossible to see an andrology doctor at this hour. Of course, you can wait and go to the hospital tomorrow morning. But if your spermatic cord is twisted, you

his crotch with his

fear, he suddenly felt another sharp


serious?" Jay shouted

eunuch, he would never be able to have sex again... What would

rather die than not

moment, a cab slowed to a stop in front of Doris. She turned back to him and said, "I already

go. I'll do as you said," Jay said,

telling me he'll do as I said? He must really be in

into the cab too. "Let's go to my house, Doris. I can't stand it." His face had turned pale and his forehead was covered with sweat. He was afraid

"All right," Doris agreed.

Jay called his bodyguard and asked him to

leaned against the

he couldn't bear the pain anymore, the driver

sweat on his forehead. "Doris, pay

went out. Needless to say, this was the first time he had ever taken

Jay and reluctantly paid

After getting out of the car, Jay found that he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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