Sweet Twins

Chapter 487 Roar

"But the photo was taken in their house. Can anyone enter his house freely? Besides, he was wearing pajamas. Who else could it be except himself? What the public has been saying is all right. After leaving the TS Group, Charles gave up on himself. It turns out that he is also a loser. I'm so disappointed!" Those were just stolen photos but they were enough to make Frederic angry. How could Charles be so careless?

After thinking for a short while, Hardy finally spoke. "Well, Dad, don't be so certain yet. Charles and Nancy don't seem like the kind of people who would enjoy a prank. This photo may be taken secretly by the two children. Children are too naive. Dad, you don't have to be angry with them."

"Well, it's possible. Speaking of those two children, I really miss them." While scrolling on his phone, Frederic asked, "Why is Charles so stubborn? He doesn't come to see me by himself. Why doesn't he even let the children come to see me?"

"If you miss the kids, I'll call Charles and ask him to bring them here," Angelina said cautiously.

But deep inside, she was also blaming Charles and Nancy for being so careless to let these pictures be posted online.

They were just making trouble for Frederic and themselves, weren't they?

"Okay. Call and ask him to bring the kids here. I also want to ask him about those photos. Even if he couldn't be the president of TS Group, he could still ask Joseph to invest in him and put up his own business. Charles doesn't seem like the kind of guy to give up on himself." Finally, Frederic was able to calm himself down.

"Okay, I'll call him right now." Then Angelina took out her phone to call Charles.

However, before she could even dial the number, she heard Frederic shout angrily, "Angelina, tell me, what's going on?"

He roared like a lion, which made Angelina's hands tremble in fear. Her phone almost fell on the ground because of shock. "Father, what's wrong with you?"

"Look! Look!" Once again, Frederic was fuming mad.

In a hurry, Hardy and Angelina came over to him. They took the phone from Frederic's hand and looked at it. What they saw on the screen left them dumbfounded.

"Joseph is going to marry Anna today?" Hardy asked in disbelief.

didn't really care about it, she still thought that Joseph and Anna should have told

Frederic should at least attend to receive

was too bold to

or disabled, he is still his father. Marriage is a big event in life, and the elders are not present. How can Joseph do that?" It was indeed a shame for the Fu family that even Hardy

Derrick's room and check if that bastard is still there,"

I'll do it right away." Without further

he found


had no idea what

Confusion was visible in

see him just now, and

I came to his room this morning and he was still there,"

that time, but now he is not here. This is a hospital, but you don't know where the patient is. What

be scared. He didn't know how to explain it to Frederic if something

nervous. "Help! Who

as the doctors and nurses heard this, they all ran to Derrick's room at

that Derrick was really not in the

was a special patient. They were instructed to take good care of him, but

doctor asked.

suddenly disappeared, the family who accompanied him should also be responsible for it," a

take care of both my dad and Derrick. It's exhausting! Yet you still blame me as if I neglected my uncle? I'm telling you, if you don't find Derrick, you guys..."

like a bomb for the doctors and

each other in fear.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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