Sweet Twins

Chapter 517 It's So Hot

Daisy didn't expect that Charles would leave Joseph by the gate.

After Daisy went back to her bedroom and turned off the lights, she didn't go to sleep right away.

Instead, she stood behind the curtain and looked at the gate of the yard.

To her surprise, Charles and Jay really drove away, leaving Joseph who was sitting at the gate alone.

It made Daisy feel a little sorry for Joseph, but then she thought that he would soon leave if she wouldn't go out.

After all, it was cold outside. His body couldn't stand it.

Hours had passed but Joseph remained sitting in front of the gate.

This man caused her miscarriage, and he was not good to her. No, to be more specific, he was terrible. In the past few years, she was like a widow living in hell...

All he had given to her was pain. Why should she forgive him?

It had nothing to do with her whether he was alive or dead.

With this thought, Daisy went back to bed. If she really wanted start anew, then she didn't need to care about what Joseph would do.

Daisy closed her eyes, only to find that she couldn't fall asleep at all.

Her mind was a mess. She couldn't figure out anything, and she was not sleepy at all.

Sighing out of frustration, Daisy got out of the bed and came near the window again. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw Joseph lying on the ground.

Without thinking too much, she ran out in her slippers.

Yes, even if Joseph didn't treat her right, she couldn't let him freeze to death at her door.

If Joseph was frozen to death, she would be the first suspect.

She didn't want to make trouble for herself.

As soon as she opened the gate, she kicked Joseph. "Joseph, if you want to sleep, go somewhere else. Don't stay at my gate."

There was no response from Joseph.

didn't answer, Daisy bent down and reached out to

still breathe. Why don't you

was almost frozen. He could hear Daisy's voice, but

forehead, only to find out that he was burning with fever. "It's so

rate, Daisy really couldn't ignore him

answer. So

was stunned when she couldn't find anyone else's

did Joseph

without a choice, Daisy decided to take Joseph in

her a lot of effort to help Joseph

sofa with a grimace. Fortunately, there was a medicine kit in the house. Daisy found anti-inflammatory drugs and

thought for a moment that it was better for

couldn't bear to see Joseph suffer, so she poured him

with cold water and put it on his forehead.

kept changing water...

a while, Joseph's fever was brought down.

was still heavy. Was this man stupid? Why did he

he had never

why did he

because everyone in the world knew how

Joseph's forehead. But

"Don't go, Daisy!"

action, Daisy gently said, "I'm

as if he was afraid that she would

to sit beside Joseph.

you feeling

from Joseph. Instead, he leaned against the sofa with

of pity emerged in Daisy's mind. "Joseph,

voice was

choice but to turn the room temperature up a little

the first thing she saw was Joseph's face. He was sleeping soundly like a baby.

moment, Daisy stared at him. If he was

stood up and went to the kitchen. She cooked beef noodles with coriander, eggs and tomatoes for

living room to wake up Joseph so they could eat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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