Sweet Twins

Chapter 564 Forget Nancy

Summer cursed angrily. She tried to push the door open but it was locked.

This made her more frustrated so she began hitting Edward. "Edward, what are you doing? What do you think I am? Fuck off! I don't want to see you again for the rest of my life!"

"No, Summer... I've realized that Nancy will never be mine this life. It's like waking up from a dream. I admit that I love her deeply, but she's just a beautiful part of my past now. We could be together for the rest of our lives, but if you don't want to, then I will let you go."

For a moment, Summer was speechless.

Although his words were clear, Summer still couldn't believe. "You said you wanted to be with me for the rest of your life?"

Staring intently into Summer's eyes, Edward replied, "For as long as you want."

As soon as he finished his words, Summer put her arms around his neck.

She whispered in his ear, "Edward, tell me, how can you make me believe you?"

Without any second thought, Edward answered, "I can marry you right now."

"Then tell me, why are you in such a hurry to marry me? Is it because you're desperate to forget Nancy or..."

Shaking his head, Edward held her face with both hands. "Summer, it's not because I want to forget Nancy. She might be a memory I can't forget, but listen carefully; you're my happiness for the rest of my life!"

"Well, for your words, Edward, I promise to marry you!" After all, Summer was a forthright person.

If Edward loved her, Summer would stay with him.

But if Edward didn't love her one day, she would leave without hesitation.

At this time, Nancy, Charles and Jay had arrived back to their country.

They didn't waste time and drove straight to Jay's house.

two were excited to see Bobby and Nadia, while Jay

saw Jay's car, Doris and the kids ran

"Mommy is back."


excitement were written all over Nadia's face. "Nancy, you bad girl,

were streaming down her face when Doris spoke. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and Nancy thought

forget you? I just... Something happened and I was

much as possible, Nancy wanted to avoid letting the kids know

just scare the

was afraid of being abandoned. Her heart was too soft to

you always on a business trip? Where have you been this time? You haven't called

abroad and I met

her with questions. "Does Uncle Edward miss us? Why didn't he

likes you so much. How could he forget you?" Standing aside, Charles took a deep breath

Bobby grabbed the phone from his

already dark when Edward

a shower, he sat down next to Summer on the sofa. "You drank a lot?"

him. "Yes, you know, I'm

said, "Well, it's not good for women to drink too much. They

you? I was tricked by you. Edward, you can fool me for a lifetime. Don't let

all my life." All of a sudden, even though he didn't want to miss Nancy, her pure face appeared in his

it. "You are absent-minded." She knew that Edward couldn't forget Nancy for a short time,

woman would accept

Edward so much, she would let

had to do accept everything about


surprise, Summer asked, "Which two kids? Are you talking about Charles and Nancy's

right?" "How did you

Summer was careless about everything. How could she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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