Chapter 123

Farrah nodded, then casually explained, She just rocked up at our place without notice Nobody knew who she was. Even her own mom didn’t like her, so of course the couldn’t stick around at our place

Leandros gaze lingered on Farrah’s face for a moment, quickly making up his mind about whether she was lying or not

Why doesn’t her mom like her Leandro asked

Farrah barely had to think Clearly the answer had been tucked away in her mind for years. She said. Well, isn’t it obvious? Her mom’s so flighty, and she doesn’t even care about her own husband Suddenly she’s got an extra burden, of course she’s not happy about it. Besides, if she really loved her daughter, she wouldn’t have come to Velvetwood to get married all by herself Rumor has it, before she left the country, she just dumped Seraphina on some random family She never planned on keeping the kid If I were her, I’d be pissed too when Seraphina suddenly showed up.

As he listened to her, Leandro casually sipped water from a wine glass Then, he slowly asked, So how has she been living on her own?

How should I know? Farrah said, All I know is that she didn’t stay at our place long before she moved out on her own. I’m not sure if she rents or owns this apartment, but either way she’s been living here for years and never came back to our place

Listening quietly, Leandro calmly sipped his water.

As Farrah spoke, she suddenly realized that she might have said too much. She leaned slightly towards him, Who exactly are you? Why are you asking so many questions about her? Are you into her, trying to score?

Has she been living alone since then? Leandro asked again

She lives by herself, but the Wilson family paid for her school fees It was her own mother who couldn’t make room for her, not us trying to kick her out. We never mistreated her,Farrah said, then suddenly became wary, “Hey, you’ve been asking me all these questions, but you still haven’t answered mine!

Just as she finished speaking her phone rang Farrah picked it up, took a look, and answered, “Granny, I’m at Seraphina’s place, but she seems to be drunk…

responded to whatever was being said on the other

hanging up, Farrah suddenly ignored Leandro and rushed into the bedroom, shouting at the figure on the bed, “Seraphinal Granny says if she doesnt see you today, she’s

the figure on the bed stirred and eventually opened her

moment, she sat up, straightened her messy hair, half squinted her eyes and laughed, “Oh god, seriously, can’t a

have the

and stood up. “I

her evening dress revealing her stunning figure before rummaging through her closet for clothes

anger. She glanced down at her own chest before picking up her

had changed her clothes, tied up her long hair, and turned to look at Farrah, “Let’s go

wants to see, not me, Farrah paused before

mind. She didn’t say anything more and left

bedroom was sitting on the sofa. Seeing Seraphina emerge, he just looked at

it’s not only you who gets emergency calls. I also get urgently summoned, so

she didn’t deny or clanty, but

fell on Seraphina’s face. She was still smiling brightly. “Well, I won’t intrude on your chat Take your time!”

that, she winked at him and turned to leave

Seraphina go, Farrah shrugged at Leandro and said, “That’s

over and sat down next to him, “Actually, she’s a lot like her mom, especially when it comes to men, so you really shouldn’t take her

started laughing, one

at her hand, then gently moved it off his leg without a

already late

so urgent?” Seraphina

her and asked bluntly, “What’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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