Chapter 182


Before Seraphina could respond to Ferne’s words, Leandro had already spoken again. He merely called out her name, but there was such an icy chill in his voice that it seemed to come from the bottomless depths of a dark abyss, making it impossible for anyone to look directly into his eyes.

Although Leandro was generally mild in his interactions with his family, his aura was intimidating to others, especially to employees of the Reynolds Group like Ferne Having experienced his temper firsthand, she knew he was genuinely furious this time.

What am I doing all this for?Ferne abruptly stood up and said, I’m doing this for you, and you’re protecting her? Leandro, how could you let her blind you like this?

Leandro looked at her, his face calm despite his anger. He gave a slow nod and said, “Alright, suppose I’m blinded. What are you going to do about it?

Ferne was taken aback by Leandro’s words. She struggled to find a response, then suddenly stood up and said, Then I’ll expose her true colors to wake you up!

As soon as she finished speaking. Ferne walked over to Seraphina and said, Didn’t you say the child was Leandro’s? Where’s the proof? Show me the proof, and I’ll believe you! I’ll stop investigating your friends!

Walt!Leandro suddenly shouted.

Walt, who had been in charge of Leandro’s security, immediately entered from the main entrance, Mr. Reynolds.”

*Please escort Ms. Reynolds out,Leandro said with a stern face. From now on, she is not permitted to step foot in Reynolds Manor!

Walt hesitated for a moment before swiftly moving to carry out Leandro’s command

you’re kicking me out

over to Seraphina and reached out to pull

grasp, then turned to block Walt and

was stunned and turned to

out of the Reynolds family, you’ll still continue to investigate this matter. In that

don’t owe

at him and said, “You publicly acknowledged Betty as your child to maintain the image of the Reynolds family. But don’t you want to know the

don’t care,” Leandro answered.

I just want her to rest in her world, undisturbed. But she’s constantly being dug up, displayed to the world, and criticized over and over again. It’s my

spoke calmly with a faint smile on her lips, Leandro noticed the pallor on her face that

at him and said,

felt like it had been punched, a silent pain spreading

possibility, he had never

did he give her, and what did he really give her?

smile, “You were drunk that night. It was me who went to

a deep voice, “Why didn’t

her eye. “What do you think?”

pushed her down the stairs. He

she tell him?

as he watched her,

proof? Leandro, you’re not really going to believe her, are you?”

again. “When Betty was born, I saved her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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