Tangled Love


My eyes flutter open and I groan, a wave of pain shooting down my body. The pounding in my head begins to intensify and I groan again, louder this time. Everything begins to rush back to me, the memory hitting me worse than the ache I'm feeling. DC Jones, the pub, the drink. . .

I'm fully awake now, my eyes wide with fear. I look down and realise my hands are tied with a thick rope, double knotted.

"What the hell," I breathe out, unable to believe what I'm seeing. I tug on the ropes desperately but instead of loosening, they tighten further causing pain to the tender skin on my wrists. I glance around the floor to find some sort of object to use. No luck.

The room is small and square, the walls covered in a floral wallpaper that's peeling from every corner. Yellow stains and mould collects on the ceiling. The mahogany furniture along with the floor is covered in a thick layer of dust and grime. Sunlight streams in from a small window just below the ceiling that's protected by a metal cage. Is that to stop things from getting in or from me getting out?

settles inside my stomach as I realise the psychopath kidnapped me. Both my hands are tied and my right foot is also roped to the

stained mattress an inch thick. I grimace at the sheer filthiness of the whole room and instead focus my attention on getting the hell out of here. I

silence surrounds me.

sick. A shiver runs down my body and I grimace, glancing down to study my clothes. Thank god I'm still fully dressed.

does everyone want

Jones is a psychopath, the situation

filthy floor. I twist my body until I'm in a more comfortable position and lay my head over my arms, closing my eyes. I focus on my breathing and Jake's face flashes through my mind. I whimper at the thought of never seeing him again, never feeling his arms around me, never feeling his lips on mine. I suddenly ache for him, wanting him to come get me out of this mess so we can go back to eating pancakes together and annoying each other.

it Emily. You can get out

can," I whisper, wiping the tears away quickly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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