Get out of my way, Maynard!” I raised my face as I stared him in the eye directly. It was a ‘tiring day enough, I wasn’t going to let them bully me, at least not tonight.

“What happened to you? You are bleeding,” Maynard placed his finger under my chin to raise my face and scanned my face.

The emotions he displayed when seeing all the blood gave me goosebumps.

“Maynard!” Lazlo came from behind me and freed me from Maynard’s stare and turned me around so that I face him.

“What happened, who the fuck did this?” Lazlo cupped my face aggressively, his eyes started to flash a weird sea blue color as anger started to rush through his veins.

“It’s my business,” I slapped his hands off and stepped back only to bump onto Thiago’s hard chest. He wasted no time and turned me over, his eyes changed the color. The icy gray in his eyes began to fill with crimson red as if somebody was pouring the color, drop by drop. I have noticed this about him, his wolf changed color with every emotion he felt.

“Jim did it, didn’t he?” he bent down to reach my level. I was mad at them for leaving me behind in that classroom when they knew Jim would come to collect me.

Did they not care about me at all?

It was like they only showed emotions when I was in their sight. Or else, out of sight, out of mind.

“I am going to fucking kill him,” Thiago pronounced every word clearly and with pressure. His voice and threat made me let out a yelp.

“I am going to ruin him,” he repeated, bobbing his head as if he was making me understand what was going to happen to Jim now.

“He didn’t do anything.” I muttered while stepping back from them. They all were watching my face like there was a movie playing on my forehead.

‘Then who did it?” Thiago continued to ask, not breaking the eye contact from me.

Maynard yelled at me, I

care? If you three hadn’t left me behind, I

my face and then a

Lazlo muttered as he clenched his jaw. He would get upset pretty quickly every

your problem to deal with,” I warned him and

he announced it

did you say?” Maynard shook his head and laughed a little because he thought Lazlo was taunting that I could never be a

Thiago attempting to sound considerate reminded me of his attitude towards me. He was so quick to dismiss me when he heard about me making out

away from me if he was so jealous or maybe should have in troduced me as his mate but he didn’t do that just like

be called my mates but were quick to get all possessive when seeing me

told Thiago, shaking my head at him to stay

you cannot stop me from not asking you any

was standing straight even when every single bone

face my wrath,” as Thiago too joined the an nouncement group, Maynard shook his head and then slapped his ears a little to

around?” He questioned

firstly made blunt eye contact with Thiago and

shared a glance, not

you felt with me.” Thiago had only asked

he realized what Thia go had said, hat did you just say?” the two asked each other. It was not

was hushed down by

Thiago, who stared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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