It escalated really quick.

From acting all jealous and possessive to being outright abusive, they were truly showing their colors. This was the problem with them.

Anytime they heard anything remotely upsetting, they would act cold like an ice.

“I say we let her do whatever she wants to do. If she can have three mates, I am sure our other mates are out there too,” Lazlo added to the others, who nodded their heads and climbed into their beds. They turned the lights off while I stayed on the floor.

I ended up taking a warm shower and trying to aid my wounds. It didn’t work because my healing process was slower. I was starving from two days now.

I have crawled into the bed and they have all dozed off by then. My stomach kept groaning and embar rassing me. Thankfully, nobody was awake to witness the volcanos erupting inside my stomach.

‘I cannot sleep,’ I told Nia, expressing my wish to have anything to eat.

know. Even I am

Nia suggested it because she was having a hard time resting when we were dying to have food


know some mates really go out of their way for their mates? There was a girl back in our pack whose mate was a Gamma. He would wait outside her dance practice class with a food box in his hands.’ Tears covered my eyes when

we are granted three powerful and handsome alphas yet none of them feels like we are worthy of their love,’ she

screw them. I will sneak into the kitchen and feed you something. my heart ached for Nia, she

anybody called her, for me, she was the

by one before I rolled out of the bed and slipped

began to tip toe

there? I have seen the higher-ups consuming all sorts of goods,’ Nia was pretty excited but she wasn’t considering the fact that we can get caught

shaking inside my

and opened the pantry. Even though

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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