Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 362

362-Falling Apart

"So you did come here to spy on me and make a mess out of my life,” I yelled the instant Corbin returned to the room after he kicked her out of the room and locked the door. I could tell she was still outside.

"I did. I wanted to see how your mates were treating you. I Know you don't think I care for you, but that is not the case. I dol" He yelled back at me. This was the first time I had noticed him acting aggressively. Usually, he was just poking fun at everyone and annoying us.

"What did she say to Thiago? Why did you let her in, Knowing she wanted to come here only so that she can say something fucked up to my mate?”

I wasn’t giving up. I shouted another question at him, and he rolled his eyes to express how exhausted I made him feel.

"What she says to him or what he does is not my problem. I told you, I would do anything to be with you. I am not like any of your mates who just keep you around because they love the idea of having a powerful mate.” He raised his voice even louder, huffing and puffing air through his nostrils.

"Well, that's the difference between you and my mates. They care about each other,” I said in such a low whisper that he responded with a laugh only because of the lack of confidence I expressed.

"If so, why aren't they looking for Thiago? You are going to fool me into thinking they want to find Thiago because they want to live like one happy family?" Corbin scoffed in my face, "Go tell someone else these lies." He walked past me to his bed and lay down.

I commented, walking over to my bed but


while Lazio came back. Moana sneaked into the room when I opened the door for him. She didn't say a single word and

was utterly silent.She didn't try to speak to Corbin again,

he was not dating her. I could only think of

this for you," I was rudely interrupted when daydreaming by some fellow student. He was holding a red rose in his hand

someday,” Lazio gritted his

from the poor

slammed his book down and glared at me, his

it,” I answered bitterly to Lazio this time. The last time I didn't accept the rose Corbin sent me, he bullied the same boy for days. I didn’t

We haven't talked about finding Thiago again. Are you even interested anymore?" I asked

him?" He tilted his head and deepened the stare in my

look on my face. I don't know what else he thought we would do, but it was

he said, clenching his jaw, his eyes not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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