Chapter 0206

“Yes but I was honestly left alone for a long as time. There was only like three different times I even saw Darin or Alpha Rip. Believe me, I remember exactly what he said and did to me but thinking back, I don’t know. I’m tell you, something else is going on here. Something much bigger than Darin wanting me.”

Alec stared into my eyes. “What did dad say?”

“He completely ignored me and asked me what the evacuation plan was.”

“F uck.” Alec sat up and put his hands on top of his head.

“What did you find?” I asked.

“We found two tunnels. The only reason we found the second on was because a warrior watched a rat climb out of it. They are about a five miles long. Empties into a random place in the woods outside of our territory. The doors are wooden and covered in vines. No way in hell anyone would know they were there. We probably walked acrossed it multiple times and never known.”

find the third, it’s okay.” I

torn. I could feel his stress and indecisiveness. He wanted to stay

me. I am telling you to go make

and put his hands on either side of my face.

and I am still jumpy but we need to make sure our pack is safe. I’ll

be quick.” Alec k*ssed

to that.” I whispered as he went to leave. He

list of all those who needs to leave.” Emmy said after Alec

I asked.

“Kristen.” I answered.

voice came

you help us get this organized?” I

set up. Everyone will gather in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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