Nana immediately pulled Eliana into her bedroom.

“You can say it now, Eliana.”

Eliana looked around and asked suspiciously, “Are you sure it’s safe here? Maybe there are security cameras…”

She was extremely nervous.

Nana shook her head and said firmly, “I’ve checked the house carefully and found no surveillance camera, and I don’t think Maurice is that irrational. To be honest, despite the fact that we were brought here by force, Maurice is very courteous to us.”


Eliana smiled bitterly and began telling Nana everything that had happened these days.

“Do you mean Maurice and Preston are just one person? And Maurice assumes that Jonathan is the father of Aileen and Adrian?! So he locked you up out of rage?! Really?!”

It was so shocking.

Nana didn’t even know how to express her astonishment.


Eliana struggled for a moment, not knowing how to explain the complicated situation.

Nana asked excitedly. “Tell Maurice the truth. Tell him that he is actually the father of the twins. All of these

tell him that! If I told him, would he


“Why not?” Nana retorted.

Wouldn’t they take the twins away from me? We can only keep things

rendered speechless. Indeed, Eliana considered the children to be as important as her own

“Then… what about you?”

be fine.” Eliana forced a smile. “I can only hope that Maurice gets tired of such a boring game as soon as possible and finally let

so unlucky to have met them!” Nana

What? Them?

else was

immediately understood what Nana meant. Thinking about Nana and Corbin’s interaction just now, Eliana couldn’t help but

a mistake… Yes, it’s a huge mistake,” Nana


two then looked at each other and sighed simultaneously. They looked out

good time on the lawn. The setting was stunning. Looking at

front of them. Eliana

seemed that…


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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