“Ouch…” Eliana let out a muffled groan.

Maurice used too much force and she was afraid he would crush her bones.

“You’re hurting me! Let me go!”

Eliana struggled hard, but her efforts were obviously futile.

“Is this ring for Eli?”

Maurice felt like his body was on fire.

“Maurice, calm down. This ring is for Eli, but it isn’t what you think. He returned your ring to me the last time. Shouldn’t I be thanking him? This is a lucky ring to make up for him.”

Eliana tried to explain patiently, despite the pain in her arm.

However, the outcome was not as she had hoped. Her words just enraged Maurice even more.

A lucky ring? What a lucky ring!

He had never seen this woman so bothered before when he lost the ring. She didn’t even immediately help him look for it.

Eli simply returned the ring that had originally belonged to Maurice. And this woman was eager to express her gratitude, even making a ring for him.

The more Maurice reflected on it, the more enraged he became.

“You are so daring, Eliana! How dare you use the company’s tools for your personal affairs? I’m going to punish everyone who worked on the ring for you. The man a while ago is named Leif, right? Everyone who helped you will be fired, including him,” he exclaimed without thinking.

are so

expression changed. She could compare Maurice to a childish and crazy child who lost his temper when he didn’t get

believe I’m being unreasonable, then I’ll show you how unreasonable


her wits. All of her efforts would be for naught if he threw it. How could she find the small

me back

let her touch it. He immediately raised the ring

in Maurice’s hand because he was much taller than

a result, the two of them fell backward together, and the ring fell to the

Eliana screamed in

subconsciously wrapped his

fell into Maurice’s arms rather than


when her nose hit Maurice’s

change brought the tense atmosphere to

an instant as he gazed into Eliana’s watery eyes and held her soft body. He even

still aroused during your

heard that. Why had this guy’s mood suddenly

in Maurice’s

flushed. She then

the other hand, would not

his arms around her waist again. He held her even more tightly this time. Eliana’s entire face was pressed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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