Chapter 1559

“How much longer till the duel?”

“One week.”


Tobias waved his hand and said, “You should head back first. I’ll go to Mt. Thunder Pass and battle her then. This time, I’ll definitely kill her.

“By the way, have you refined the second Spirit Turtle’s core yet?”

“Not yet. I plan to save it for when I reach a higher realm.”

Sky said in a grave voice, “Tobias, I must warn you to not underestimate Thea.

Despite ascending the Third Stair of the Skyward Stairway and reaching its peak, you still might not be a match for her.

If I were you and had only one week before the duel, I’d travel around Sol and absorb the True Energy of various martial artists to rapidly augment my strength the best I can.

One week should be enough for you to ascend to the Fifth Stair.

“You’ll be the greatest martial artist in this world if you ascend the Fifth Stair of the Skyward Stairway.

“When that time comes, there will be none that can rival you.”

Sky lightly warned Tobias.

He had already walked out of the wooden house, but his voice still resounded from outside the door.

Sol worth taking action against is Winston from the Blithe

he failed to obtain a core from the Spirit

has remained at the eighth rank. It’ll be

quietened and completely disappeared.

he left, Tobias stood

pain from vital acupoints in his body.

distorted in pain and big beads of

while, the

was the repercussion of practicing the Great Law of

practiced it, Sky had already warned him that the technique was not perfect

on using

“Damn it.”

a wretched expression. “It hasn’t been long since I’ve

part of the Great Law of Absorption and deliberately taught me

did not fully

one he trusted in this world

trusted himself.

his fists and said with determination, “Only by being the strongest and the greatest in the world will I be able to make everyone tremble before me. I will conquer everyone with my

“Winston Blithe!!!”

his teeth.

start with

of the wooden house.

He raised his hand and casually

potent force gathered in


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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