Chapter 35 

"But I don’t even know him." James smiled.

"Hmm, I have no idea what’s all this about then."

"Who cares who he is? Let’s eat.Oh, wait...Let me take a few pictures and post them up.My followers would go crazy!"

David took his phone out and started snapping pictures of everything.

Soon, the food arrived.

Beautiful waitresses presented course after course.

Whether in terms of presentation, taste, or smell, the food served was extremely appetizing.

The tables were soon full of delicious food.

Once all the food arrived, a group of women started dancing on the mini stage in front of the room.

They were so attractive that Benjamin and David could not take their eyes off them.

Throughout the meal, the Callahans were in a state of shock.

There was so much food in the Diamond Room that they could not finish.

In fact, they barely ate a fraction of it.

"Oh no..."

Gladys came to a realization after she finished eating, smacking herself in the forehead.

"I heard that eating at the Diamond Room would cost at least a million dollars."

million won’t

pointed to a bottle of red

costs three hundred and eighty thousand.We've had a few


at what James said.Quickly, he stood

"I-I didn’t open them."

also asked his closest family members for pictures of the Black Dragon when he was

secret, the Graysons were an upper-class family

they still managed to get their

saw James, he shuddered involuntarily.He almost fainted in


take it easy, sprinting to the Diamond Room at

Knock knock.

on the door.It was Bryan, who

and everyone else

outside, but now, they did not have the

it was her personal

have you


was slow to

"Y-yes.I’m done."

produced a card studded with

both hands, he

the diamond member card.

"No, I can’t..."

out of her seat and waved her

she accept? Even though having The Gourmand’s diamond member card would do much to elevate her status, it was simply too

going to cost them

card, they still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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