Chapter 470

Jake was in charge of the underground information network This was why he was so significant to James.

He had to take control of Jake, and have Jake work for him.

Without Jake, he would have nothing to work with, and he would require a great deal more caution in his planning.

“Yes, sir.”

Ronn made a phone call, “inform the boys to get prepared, mission incoming.”

“James, do you need me?” May asked.

James shook his hand and said, “No.You’re injured, just rest up.”

“But…” May had something on her mind.

James looked at her, “Are there any other problems?”

so it’ll be hard for

“No problem.”

nodded as he walked

repair factory

is General

be fine.”

last visited Henry. He assumed Henry was fine since there were no calls from

or two, they arrived

what’s the mission

question, “Are the

are on their way, their estimated time of arrival is five minutes.” “Good. Let’s head in.”

“Yes.” Ronn nodded.

car with Ronn following

entered the

He looked at James and Ronn, and raised his eyebrow. “Are


have no idea what you’re talking about. Our

kicked him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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