Chapter 979

Mount White.

Blake had hidden his treasure in a location surrounded by steep mountains and dense forests.

There was no flat ground for helicopters to land.

Thus, the helicopters had to land slightly far away from the exact location.

The forest roads were difficult to traverse as they were covered in plants and tree roots.

While advancing, the team had to constantly cut and chop off whatever was in their way.

The journey was supposed to take five hours, but James and his party took eight to nine hours.

It was already dark when they reached the cavern’s vicinity.

Blake pointed at the cavern’s entrance and said, "It’s inside.Should we transport them tonight or rest for the night?"

"Can we transport them all at once?" James asked.

Blake looked at the hundred soldiers accompanying them and nodded.


James thought about it for a while.

were challenging to span, especially at night.He did not want to

"Let’s rest here for the night and transport

immediately instructed the soldiers,


at Blake and said, "Let’s

"Alright." Blake nodded.

turned to Daniel and ordered, "Stay


Daniel nodded.

a flashlight and entered the

was relatively small and was covered by the surrounding tree

the cavern, they found that it was large and

with the route, he

an hour, they reached deep inside the

stop at a stone

wall and said, "Back then, I hired a lot of people to help me build this secret underground room."With that being said, he walked over and pushed the wall.Dust began to fall, and the stone wall parted.The two fanned the dust away and walked inside.James took out his flashlight and illuminated the place.The space inside was not huge, but numerous

Inside were gold bars.

picked up a piece and weighed

weight of the gold

"Not bad."

at the pile of boxes and

wanted to keep these treasures buried underground forever and never intended

these to save lives.Take your giving it to me as an act of repentance.Maybe you won’t end up in hell after

James teased.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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