Chapter 19 

"Dad," Thea said.

"I'm fine."

"who's there, Benjamin?"

A voice rang out, and Gladys appeared.

When she saw Thea, her face darkened.

Coldly, she said, "You cursed girl.Why are you here?"


"Don't call me mom.I have no such daughter."

She looked disdainfully at Thea, whose face was heavily bandaged.

Gladys was kidnapped and treated horribly because of Thea.

Luckily, Trent was dead.

Callahans were

a rage.He issued an order, stripping Thea of her position and casting her out of the family.He even made a public announcement that Thea was

are you doing?"

have cast her out of the

planted her hands on her

against the old man’s orders? Don't forget that you’re living off Eternality’s salary.If we make the old man angry again,

she pointed at

have no such daughter.You're a curse, a jinx! Your dad is looked down upon in the family because of you! Look at Howard and John! Even their children possess some of Eternality’s shares.They enjoy a good life just living off the dividends each

in Thea’s face.Thea’s eyes misted over and

she did not expect that her parents would bar her from their home.She knelt at the door, begging,

heartbroken.He tried to pick

don’t you get up? It’s

to get up.She kept crying and knocking

The door opened again.

some suitcases

"Get lost! Leave!"


just because grandfather has stripped her of her position and cast her out of the family.James is a poor, retired

Eternality Group as well, but he did not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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