Chapter 1346

Maxine knew that Thea would surely take action.

Thus, Maxine wanted to know more about what she had in mind so she could provide any assistance if Thea needed it.

“Thea, you don’t have to be so hostile toward me. I’m just here to see if there’s any way I can help you,” said Maxine.

In James’ presence, Thea treated her with grace and generosity.

However, when they were alone, Thea was prickly and cagey towards Maxine. It was as if she had some deep-seated grudge towards her.

Thea looked at Maxine and said, “We’ll talk inside.”

She turned around and went back inside the room.

Maxine followed after her.

Inside the room, Maxine asked, “You’re carrying the Malevolent Sword, so I’m assuming you must be planning quite the journey. What are you planning to do?”

Thea replied in a straightforward manner, “The ancient martial world is in disarray. James is already biting off more than he can chew. He cannot afford to spend time on unnecessary distractions. Therefore, I plan to help him restructure the ancient martial world and make them submit to the Celestial Sect. I plan to

head to Mount Thunder Sect and force them to surrender to me.”

Maxine’s jaw dropped when she heard Thea speak so casually about her plans.

to go on a killing spree?”

only use the Celestial Sect to put some pressure

decided to go all-out and use force against Mount Thunder Sect, there was a low

not be the only one who would be unable to oppose Thea. As it stands, there is hardly anyone in the entirety of Sol who can probably go

can do

with whatever you were doing before,

As long as Maxine stayed out of trouble and did whatever James required of her, Thea was not bothered in the least about


got up and attempted to leave.

mouth shut about what you

leave the room, Thea

for a few seconds. Then,

Thea promptly left to get started

at the

hundreds of elite soldiers from the Black Dragon Army. They rushed to the Capital that very night.

few elite soldiers from the Red

itinerary for the military exchange in Durandal in his

military exchange between the two

day they were there had different

His real reason for going to Durandal was to investigate Delilah’s whereabouts. As such, he could not be bothered about the military exchange that had

Knock! Knock! Knock!

knock on


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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