Chapter 880

Then, realization dawned on her.

She asked, "A-Are you thinking of revealing the secret of the painting to grandpa in exchange for protection?"


James nodded.

He was now caught in a crossfire.

Only Tobias could save him.

However, Tobias would only willingly do so if James gave him the secret of the painting.


Maxine did not say much.

Then, James put the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge and the ancient scroll into the box.

Maxine pushed James’ wheelchair, and they both left the basement to find Tobias.

In the library of the Cadens’ courtyard...

Tobias was reading a book.

Knock! Knock! Knocks came from the other side of the door.

"Grandpa, James would like to see you."

book aside, Tobias

wheelchair, while Maxine stood beside

Tobias asked, "What's

secret of the


Tobias exclaimed.

up on his face, and he asked,

James nodded.

it to you, but I have

up that his

been keeping watch of the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge for thousands

many trials and

Blood was shed.

each other, and

no one could unravel the mystery behind the

James had

it.I’ll do anything to the best of my

are the only ones who can protect me.If you promise to save my life, I'll tell

"I promise."

did not hesitate at

Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge, he would not mind

I protect you, but I'll even allow you free and unrestricted access to the Cadens’

collection of the martial art skills of the


course, considering

external danger, but I can’t do anything about your

a way of treating my injuries.However, how can I trust you? What if you go back on your promise after I give you the secret of

after all.I won't allow outsiders to walk all over you as

in, "Grandpa has never reneged on his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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