Chapter 766

It was a dangerous gamble.

One that would cost him his and Thea’s life if he lost.

James crouched down to pick up the chest. At the same time, he secretly picked up a few small stones.

He slowly got up, his eyes fixed on Dominator all the while. The man stood about two meters away from him. With a smile, he said, “You’d better watch closely or you’ll miss it. This is how you should open the chest…”

Dominator’s eyes were fixed on the chest in James’ hands as he tried to watch him open the chest. Naturally, everyone else’s eyes were also drawn toward the chest.

Suddenly, James’ hands trembled, and he dropped the chest to the ground.

“Aghh…” James let out a frustrated cry.

Looking back up weakly, he said, “I-I’ve no strength left, and my hands aren’t steady. I need someone to help me hold it.”

Dominator looked at one of his men and used his head to gesture in James’ direction. “You, go help him.” One of the mercenaries quickly walked over and picked up the chest. Like lightning, James immediately pounced on the opening he had hoped for and flicked his hands.

The stones he had been holding onto immediately flew out.

Right after, he quickly seized the mercenary that was picking up the chest and gave his head a sharp twist.


sound echoed in the cavern

quickly grabbed his

in the time it’d take a person

chest and did not notice what James had just done. By the time


his head and roared furiously, “Kill

Bang! Bang!

gunshots resounded inside the

heavy gunfire was actually James and not the mercenaries. James opened fire while snatching the guns

rolled around nimbly to avoid

turned into swiss

enemies, James felt his strength

he fought

spent. There was not a single iota of strength left in him. He did not

the ground helplessly and like a fish


was barely audible. It was not even worthy of being considered a whisper. He could barely

hurt…” Thea’s soft voice responded a short

scared. I’m

over to

few meters away, but it felt as if it took an

he finally got close enough to Thea to take her hands

was dizzy, and the world around him felt like it was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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