Chapter 670

Now that war had broken out once more, their people‘s livelihoods must have suffered tremendously. “Henry, what‘s your take on this? Why did the twenty–eight nations attack Sol?” James looked at Henry.

Although Henry‘s injuries had not recovered fully, he was now able to walk. With war breaking out in the Southern Plains, he followed Jaines here.

Henry thought long and hard about this. After a while, he said, “I think something‘s amiss. They justified their war goal by pointing to the lives that were lost in the hijacking incident. I think someone must have arranged for it.”

James nodded.

Henry‘s analysis was spot on. “Who do you think it is, then? What‘s their objective?” James questioned. “The one behind the scenes should know that, despite entering into an alliance, the military power of the twenty–eight nations combined is no match for Sol. They should understand that once Sol gets its act together, crushing the twenty–eight nations is but a piece of cake.”

Saying that, he gazed at the generals “Don‘t just stand there. Share your thoughts.”

it all began with the hijacking incident, I suggest

looked at Levi and asked, “So, have you got to the bottom of this?”

After receiving orders from the higher–ups, I personally conducted an investigation into the matter. However, there were no survivors. Not only that, many

was behind it?” Levi shook his head. “Not yet.” James took a deep breath and put the file down. Looking at the generals in the conference room, he said in an air of finality, “Sol is not afraid of war. However, that doesn‘t mean we‘ll be manipulated and used as pawns. Find out

dejectedly, “But, these are people from the enemy

circumstances, all nations have canceled their

was lost in contemplation.

time, he stood up and left

out and called May. “James, aren‘t you at the Southern Plains right now? Is there anything I can help

who are in charge of protecting Thea to abort their mission and make their way to the Southern Plains immediately. I have other missions for them.” “Understood.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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