Chapter 183

“Damn it, James! How did Grandpa get tricked by him? Why would he believe in James? Did Granpa really delusionally think he could celebrate his birthday in the House of Royals?” Megan complained 

Lex’s face blushed bright red in embarrassment. 

‘How can this be? James had assured me that I’d be able to hold my birthday celebration at the House of Royals and would even be able to access the venue in advance.’ “Are you sure what you guys are talking about? Do you know who permitted me to hold my birthday in the House of Royals?” He straightened up his back and scolded the guards. “Get lost, old man!” 

The security guards began to chase him away. “Well, what do we have here?” 

A man dressed in a suit and tie walked over with his hands around the waist of a sexy woman. 

“Mr. Xenos.” 

The security guards bowed their heads respectfully, 

The person who showed up was the manager of Goodview Villa District and the security guards ‘immediate boss. He had an excellent background and was from the Xenos. 

“Mr. Xenos, this guy is Lex from the Callahans. He said he would hold his birthday in the House of Royals. I almost burst out laughing when I heard him. I was just about to chase him away.” 

“Oh? The Callahans?” 

in the House of Royals? Who gave you the

Tommy got out of the car and wanted to drag Lex into the

that you?” A condescending voice

Zack’s arms. She was dressed in a

changed upon seeing the

my ex-girlfriend, Lucy Quinn?’

it funny

to show off. By the way, this is my husband. He is from the Xenoses. You’ve heard of them, right? The Xenos

District. The villas here cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s not a place where you can purchase just

head and wrapped her arms

Great Four of Cansington are qualified to purchase a villa here. The people who live here are all bigwigs from all over

because she

family and bumped into someone who looked down on her. It was

because of you that I married into the Xenoses. Any subsidiary of

Tommy’s face darkened. 

was belittled, looked down upon, and ridiculed, but he was not infuriated. At that moment, he only felt embarrassment, and he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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