Chapter 1131

Bringing Halvor with him, James stood twenty meters away from Nott once more.

He looked at Nott and some of the heavily armed mercenaries in front of him, then said in a loud voice, “I’ve brought you the person, but the helicopter will take some time to arrive.

Besides, it still needs to refuel, and that will take even more time.” While he said that, he unlocked Halvor’s handcuffs and pushed him slightly.

Feeling relieved, Halvor sprinted forward.

He stumbled several times before he got to Nott’s side.

“Where’s Marion?” asked Halvor.

“Did he leave the Capital already?” Nott cast a glance at him and did not say a word.

He looked at the time.

Nine minutes had passed.

“There’s only one minute left, James.

We'll fight to the death if I don't spot the helicopter within one minute.” Nott's voice rang out.

“Bring it over,” James commanded.

Soon after, a helicopter approached in the distance.

“It’s already here,” said James, pointing at the distant sky.

Nott looked up and saw that a helicopter was indeed approaching.


had arrived, and he got on the helicopter, it would still

needed a hostage, and it had to be a hostage with great status

yourself and walk over

you as a

leave the Capital alive, I'll let you go.”

the handcuffs that were lying on

up his hands and showed them

low voice, “Henry, I’ll go

Let them take off.

brigade arrives, quickly deploy them and wipe

launch a missile at

trying to do? How can I fire at the helicopter if you’re on

moment the helicopter loses control, open

nearby residents go

to shatter the

“Is this really okay, Sir?

be alright,” James said in a

while, Henry was always in

was already a man of

would not be difficult for

“Alright.” Henry nodded.

somehow believed in

“Before the battle

won't die and will even receive some money.” Henry nodded and said, “Got it.” Ahead of him, Nott yelled, “What are you still yapping about, James? Come over

you can’t bring any weapons.” James finally

he got close, several guns were pointed at him, but


of minutes, it appeared in the sky over Hope Villa District and landed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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