Chapter 974.


Madelyn hung up the phone.

Then, she started thinking about possible reasons why James was getting in contact with Blake at this time.

Blake was the founder of a killer organization.

Although he was strong, he was nothing in front of a grandmaster.

The night passed by silently.

The next morning.

James woke up early.

In the living room of Cynthia’s villa.

A few people gathered.

the company and use our company’s

"Mhm." James nodded.

your phone.I'll have someone tracking you, so call immediately if anything

"Alright.I'll head out."

and left

"Honey, are you going to the military

"Yeah.Let’s go."

and Tiara, saying, "I won’t be in Cansington for some time, but I'll be back in a couple of days.We're in the midst of a dangerous situation,


women nodded

them, James left with Thea to

the way, James also called Blake and asked him to meet up with

military region, the Blithe

some helicopters," James said right off


Blithe King agreed without


Blithe King perplexedly.He knew that a commander had to have strong support.He had become the Black Dragon not only because of his military exploits but also because of his identity as a member of the Cadens.Apparently, James’ identity was already known long ago.In fact, the King of Sol might already have been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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