Chapter 866

Perhaps someone else was backing the Emperor apart from lr. Gabriel

In order to get a clearer understanding of the situation. James would have to return to Cansington and ask the owner of Sovereign Boutique Shop

Although his previous attempt yielded no useful information, James had a feeling that the owner chose not to disclose anything to him

Putting his thoughts aside, he turned to Tobias and asked, “So. why did you bring me here? I'm sure it wasn't just to regale me with the story of the Ancient Four’s origins along with the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge.”

Tobias merely shook his head and pointed at the painting on the wall “The secret to the ultimate martial arts techniques are concealed within this painting. The key to solving the puzzle is through the 18-meridian diagram Though I have been researching it for quite some time now. despite my best efforts, I'm still unable to break the painting's cipher. I believe you are familiar with the 18-meridian diagram?”


James nodded. “Indeed. I was the first to open the box.”

Tobias glanced at him approvingly before continuing, “Yuo're in an extremely dicey situaytion. Everyone is gunning to kill you so that they can upset the already tenuous balance of power, and exploit the fallout to their advantage. If you want to survive, you'll need to get significantly stronger. You have no other options available to you. I'll graciously give you three days to see what you can glean from Moonlit Flowers by Cliffside’s Edge.”

see if he had what it

True Energy and reach the first rank without any guidance. The potential he

beneficial to Tobias himself, but it could

the worst case scenario, the situation would only deteriorate slightly further. However, with how powerful the Cadens

him a weak and bitter smile. “You overestimate my abilities. If even a learned elder like yourself is unable to reveal the secrets

deliver your food to you during your mealtimes. Feel free to make yourself comfortable while investigating the painting. You're allowed to take it down from the wall for a closer examination, but leaving

made his exit after casually passing his instructions to

Silence enveloped the basement.


was curious to see the kinds of secrets it held and whether it actually possessed

to scrutinize the painting, he heard the sound of

in the direction of the

over holding a small box in her hands. It was

asked me to give you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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