Chapter 902

The cafe’s owner and the students present were shocked.

This person was a one-star general.

Why was he treating the person in front of him with so much respect? Many onlookers turned their eyes to James.

Some students curiously took out their phones and searched for the Dragon King.

Immediately, search results of James being recently appointed the Dragon King popped up on their screens.

It was supposed to be a secret.

However, there were plenty of people when James was awarded the title.

Thus, the news had already started to spread in the inner circle, but most outsiders were still unaware of it.

"D-Dragon King? James, the Dragon King? The commander of the Black Dragon Army?!"

Someone from the crowd exclaimed.

James' identity was exposed in an instant.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Hugo was shocked after the beating.He got up from the ground and covered his bruised face, saying, "Uncle, it’s me, Hugo.W- Why did you hit me?"

grasp what had just happened and was still confused about


took Hugo

went rubbery, and

James and smiled

what did this

looked at Yvette beside him and

her up, Yvette was not

to bring her to a hotel.I bumped into him and called the police.He got arrested but somehow found out that I was the one who called the cops on him.Then, he

Sunleigh City’s forces aren’t

it! We will thoroughly investigate and not let anyone involved

came to visit her.But

onward, I'll treat her like my younger sister.Whoever dares to bully her

be a very imposing general for no one

meaningful look at

frantically changed his

that this young woman can call me if she encounters any trouble in Sunleigh City, and I will do my best to help

that Hardy might

his jurisdiction, so he did not bother getting

it was inevitable

that was hard to get rid of

could do was ask the King to send someone to investigate when

girl, Yvette, saying, "I’ve other things to deal with in Cansington, so I'll head back first.If

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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