Chapter 1294

“James, I don’t think we should hand over the core. We should prepare a counterfeit in advance. After all, the enemy has never seen what a real Spirit Turtle’s core looks like,” Callan reminded.

After a brief contemplation, James said, “But, what if they see through our tricks and start acting out?”

“They won’t,” Callan said, “They’re determined to obtain the core. Until they actually get their hands on it, they won’t act recklessly.”

Jackson chimed in, “Callan’s right. The Spirit Turtle’s core is too valuable. You can’t just hand it over to them. Don’t worry. We can definitely save the captives if the enemy is weak. After all, if they’re powerful martial artists, they would’ve come right for us instead of resorting to underhanded tactics like this.”

Newton nodded in agreement. “Mr. Cabral is right.”

After formulating a plan, they headed toward Mount Morinbourg.

Mount Morinbourg was a day’s distance away if they traveled by car.

Therefore, James decided against traveling by car. He went to the military region and instructed the Blithe King to arrange for a helicopter.

After being informed of the contact point, things were much easier to deal with.

James asked the Blithe King to use satellite surveillance to search for the enemy’s whereabouts.

However, the mountain range was huge.


surveillance, James and

plot of land outside

A helicopter descended.

out his phone and called the

call went

you bring the

holding a pair of binoculars was intently observing the descending helicopter. He saw many

said, “I brought it. Where are the

ground and leave. I’ll release them once I get what I

won’t give you what you

like this. Put the stuff on the ground and leave immediately. Or else,

few women.

discussed this

knew he had to be assertive. Otherwise, he would be forced to play the

frowned. Based on his investigation, James was a man who valued relationships. For women,

made me do this. I’ll kill them right


then hung

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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