Chapter 1169

It did not take long for Quincy to send a set of coordinates to Thea.

Quincy's phone had been taken away from her during the time they were held captive, so she had no idea where they were being held.

Upon their release, they were not restrained any longer and so she had the opportunity to observe her surroundings.

Thus, she knew the place they were held was near Terentville.

Judging by the speed at which the car traveled to Terentville airport, she could roughly guess the villa's location.

Thea looked at the large red circle indicating the approximate location of the villa on the map sent by Quincy and frowned.

"This is way too vast of an area. This covers about dozens of kilometers. How are we supposed to find him with this?"

Maxine took a look and raised her brow, saying, “She's definitely given us a wide zone where James could be, but we still have to try anyway. There's not much time before the Mount Thunder Conference. Countless champions from major sects and families are probably making their way there as we speak. We must find James as soon as possible and stop him from taking any more reckless actions. Otherwise, there will be no turning back for him.”

for a villa located in the area marked out by Quincy.

was at

the first requirement-an endless and continuous flow of True Energy to create a cycle

passed, and soon it was the dawn of

changed their clothes and prepared water for him to freshen up with. Then, they waited silently in the background for

it and continued waiting. It was

withdrew his energy into his body and slowly landed

the beautiful twins smiled brightly

Allow me to clean your

wipe him off with the

towel and curtly refused, "I can

hot towel and casually wiped the

washing up, a toothbrush was handed

had never been served by people before and was not used to the reverent treatment he received. A slight blush crept up his face as he refused once again. "I'll do

conversation was playing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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