Chapter 1736

Meanwhile, overseas

On the island where the Dragon Abyss was located.

After a few days. James was able to fully recover the True Energy he had used while wielding the Fourteen Heavenly Swords

He was saddened by the fact that it took him a few days to recover this time. If he had some kind of elixir that could help him regain his True Energy, he would not need to wait as long.

He made the decision that once he returned to Sol, he would study the Medical Book and create some elixir that would aid in the recovery of True Energy That way, when he used up his True Energy in the future, he could recover quickly.

After regaining his True Energy, he carefully approached the Dragon Abyss while holding onto the Primordial Dragon Blade

He soon appeared at the Dragon Abyss However, he did not enter the cave hastily this time

Like betore, he went hunting for some meat He then built a fire and began roasting it.

scent of meat started to fill the an, the strange hairy man was soon drawn in This time, the color of his eyes was normal


he was saying, but he knew what

strange man understood James gesture He walked over and sat down

of roasted meat and handed it to him The strange hairy man accepted it and immediately started to gobble it

His current appearance was completely different from when he had gone

Do you really not understand

began to gabble away James gave up.

it himself, leaving the

James asked, “C Can you take

up and began rambling while gesturing animatedly As he

straight ahead. After he took a few steps, he turned around to look at James

at him.

taking me somewhere?” James muttered softly.

way toward the depths of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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