Chapter 2015

“Annihilate everyone here?”

James froze.

There were at least 10 thousand Overworld Outsiders here. No way could he pull off such a feat.

“Yes.” Marcello said, “This Celestial Abode is left behind by the Primordials. It won’t be easy crossing all nine barriers. I’d say annihilating them all would be easier, comparatively. speaking,” he said nonchalantly.

However, James was horrified.

His opponents greatly outnumbered him in size and strength. There were at least five Overworld Outsiders at the Supernatural Consummation rank. Besides, he could not see through the Son of Heaven, who might have reached the Herculean rank long ago. Numerous cultivators had also released the Eighth Inner Gate.

How could he accomplish such a feat?

James looked at Marcello, wondering how on earth was he so assured of his own strength. Perhaps he was already at the Herculean stage. In that case, it would be possible for them to annihilate everyone here.

“H-Have you reached the Herculean stage?” James prompted.

smiled and remained silent.

was the only thing James needed to know about

Overworld Outsider had entered the Celestial Abode, peace would return to Earth if he could annihilate them all here Although he had an agreement with the Overworld Outsiders, the deal would only hold as long as there were enough benefits for everyone. If there were not enough benefits for everyone, no one

you think?”

who was

some time, James looked at Marcello and said, “We can work together. However, I’m not. confident I

“Oh, no worries.”

Marcello smiled.

he headed toward the foot of the

and berries throughout the area, the

they walked side by side, James asked, “When do we make a move?”

and said, “Why the hurry? We’re only at the first barrier. It won’t be easy crossing all nine barriers, you know? Let’s observe the

this, James nodded slightly.

golem blocked the path before them. The golem was two meters in height, and it was holding a sword in

cross the first barrier, you’ll have to

nowhere to be seen,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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