Chapter 2017

Marcello intended to annihilate everyone here, whereas James disagreed, believing that such a plan was unrealistic. Even though many perished just by attempting to pass the first barrier, there were still at least 7000 of them left. Besides, those who managed to pass the barriers. would be the best of the best. Annihilating them all would be nigh impossible.

Currently, the best way to obtain the Celestial Abode was to pass the nine barriers. With that thought in mind, James hastened his footsteps and pressed onward.

Along the winding path, all sorts of mysterious flora exuded an alluring fragrance. The berries also radiated a blinding light. Every flora here was spiritual fruit that was imbued with mysterious energy. Upon consumption, it would bring many benefits to cultivators, such as improving one’s strength in a short amount of time.

Upon seeing the spiritual fruits in his surroundings, James’ desire for the Celestial Abode grew more intense.

*I have to obtain this Celestial Abode. This place is as huge as a megacity. If properly reconstructed, it can house several millions of people. If the Calamity truly arrives, I can select a handful of elites to stay with me in the Celestial Abode.”

James began formulating plans for the future.

Soon, he was already at the forefront.

Those who advanced the furthest were also some of the most powerful. James could recognize a few familiar faces-Xain, Wynter, Samarth, Yandel, Leandro, and the Son of Heaven. Thought James could not recognize the others, he knew that they also possessed enormous strength and were only slightly weaker than those at the Supernatural Consummation rank.

strongest amongst them all were perhaps the Son of Heaven and Marcello. They might have advanced into the Herculean stage long ago. However,

James doubted it.

crossed into the Herculean rank, they would

they arrived at the second barrier.

the rocks moved and formed a mysterious Magical Circle, trapping everyone inside.

Circle was enveloped in a thin mist, visibility was low.


Energy nearly sliced his neck. Though he dodged the attack, his neck was scratched, and there was a bloody wound on

Overworld Outsider behind him. The man’s body was pierced through, and Sword Energy exploded inside his

James took

began scanning his surroundings while on


the sound of an

face paled. It was simply too cruel.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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