Chapter 2042

“I’ll go on ahead, James. I need to find a place to meditate in seclusion. If everything goes to plan, I’ll be back here in three years to challenge the custodian on the ninth barrier. I hope you’ll train hard too. Let’s meet again here in Mount Bane in three years.”

“Mhm.” James nodded.

James knew he had to cultivate diligently.

As long as the Celestial Abode had no owner, he would not give up.

After Marcello bid farewell, he turned and left.

James stayed behind and caught up with some of his friends.

“Have you seen Maxine, James?”

Two slender and beautiful women walked out of the crowd.

It was Tiara and Cynthia.

Seeing James, Tiara lowered her head shyly and did not speak.

one who spoke


was taken by surprise by the question and said, “I didn’t see

his reply, Cynthia’s brows furrowed, and she said, “That’s strange. Where could she have gone? We thought she went


and ascertain whether you were still alive. She left Cansington at night and came to Mount Bane. However, there has been no news from her

agreement with the Overworld Outsiders at that time, so Earth’s martial artists are able to freely enter Mount Bane. She must’ve left because she had something

“I hope so.”

expression. She had a sinking feeling that Maxine had

won’t hang around

James bid farewell.


out for him.

Did you need to tell

asked, “How can I enter

within the Celestial Abode. You’ll need its permission to

A shadowy figure emerged and said, “Sorry for the long

the Celestial Abode to challenge the nine barriers. The person who completes all nine barriers will become

excitedly when

James’ brows

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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