Chapter 1728

Though James wanted to leave the sea, he did not dare expose himself. The man’s strength was simply overwhelming. Even though he had reached the peak of the Ninth Stair, a stage where his True Energy. could no longer increase, and catalyzed the Invincible Body Siddhi, he was defeated almost as soon as the battle began The man was simply too lerrifying

He was in a bind

After some time, unable to hold his breath any longer due to a lack of True Energy, he had no choice but

to leave the water.

His head slowly emerged from the sea as he scanned his surroundings Seeing that the man had left, he breathed a sigh of relief and swam ashore.

He only landed ashore after swimming for an hour

James climbed onto a rock and casually tossed the Primordial Dragon Blade aside. Then, he sprawled across the rock and rested. After resting for approximately half an hour, he climbed down from the rock. after regaining some of his strength.

He muttered silently under his breath, “Curse you, Sky! To think you’d abandon me when I was stuck in a dire situation” James had seen Sky fleeing from the corner of his eye However, as he was preoccupied back then, he could not do anything about it.

a lotus position on the ground and catalyzed his cultivation methods in an effort to regain his depleted

back on the island where their helicopter

the Dragon King?”

moment Sky appeared, the pilot hurriedly

said, “He’s dead. We should leave this place

Stunned, the pilot asked, “How can this be? With his strength…”

leave this place already, or else you might get both of us killed,”

pilot fell silent. After being urged by Sky to leave, he had no choice but to ignite the

Sky returned to Cansington.

Thomas knew that James had left overseas As such, he had been observing the

“You two went together. Why

he took a deep breath before saying, “We met an insanely powerful man at Dragon Abyss While I was searching for clues of the dragon’s whereabouts, James, for some unknown reason, managed to provoke the man. By the time I

before sighing, “James did not stand a chance against the man. His prospects of surviving are bleak. I saw that something wasn’t quite right, so I

exclaimed and questioned him, “Repeat

by word, “James is dead.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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