Chapter 1905

By catalyzing True Lunar and Terra Energy as well as the power of the blood and muscles, James’ aura immediately increased drastically.

Holding the sword in her hand, Juniper charged toward him.


The swords clashed.

James switched tactics and aimed straight at Juniper's vital point.

A chill ran down her spine. She never expected James’ sword technique to be this bizarre, so she hurriedly switched tactics to deflect his attack.

After using all his strength, James was not only able to deflect Juniper's attack, but he could even perform the First

Sword Art and the First Lunar and Terra Sword Art against her. Tyrus, on the other hand, managed to have a brief moment of respite. He hurriedly retreated into the distance and consumed a bottle of elixir.

is almost equal in strength to mine despite only having broken free

against Juniper, this was only temporary. Juniper was extremely powerful. Each time their swords clashed, he could feel his Blood Energy churn inside his body. He only managed to suppress


all her strength.


charged toward him at great speed. In an instant, she appeared before him and pierced his

was too extraordinary. Helpless to do anything, his body was


paled, and he charged toward Juniper

injured. She hurriedly shook off her opponent and rushed toward James. Before James could crash into the ground, she managed to grab hold of him in time.

a huge rock

on her face, Thea asked, "A-Are you alright,

even suffered a blow to the

yet." James

"Damn it!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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