Chapter 2153

James would be the first outsider to visit the Targywn’s ancestral land since times of yore.

The Targwyn family only moved out of the ancestral land a thousand years ago. Before then, they had lived in ancestral land and were isolated from the outside world.

The beast carriage came close to the storm. Even though they were still quite far away, the storm’s force caused James’ heart to race.

Laelia stepped out of the beast carriage and looked at the cyclone over the sea. She bit her finger, and a drop of blood trickled out.

She moved the drop of blood toward the storm before them.

At that moment, a strange phenomenon happened.

The blood was absorbed into the storm and suddenly the turbulent gales ceased, giving way to a safe passage.

“Keep going,”

to pass

the storm, they entered another marine region surrounded by white mist. It was difficult to see anything beyond

“Are you seeing

a thick, white mist, and it’s hard to see

lose all sense of direction. If one isn’t

white mist is simply part of the atmosphere

After about ten minutes, they emerged on

ocean ahead,

surrounded the island. A number of symbols could be seen floating inside the light, making the island

family’s ancestral land. Thousands of years ago, our family lived on this island. There’s a formation guarding the island. According to our family’s legend, our ancestor left the island because he drew the ire of a formidable enemy.

kept moving

it appeared near the island and was

and gently tapped on the mysterious light circle.

through the mysterious formation. A hole formed in

carriage stopped in the open

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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