Chapter 2114

James sat in a lotus position on the ground and catalyzed True Energy. Immediately, a vertebra inside his body shattered into pieces.


Even James could not endure such excruciating pain. His expression contorted, and he let loose an agonizing scream.


Groaning, he roared.

The True Energy inside his energy reservoirs gathered where the vertebra was shattered and formed a new vertebra in its place.

At that moment, James was in an entranced state. Vaguely, he could see an illusory image of his body and spine in the air. Meanwhile, the illusory body slowly moved upward and placed itself comfortably on the vertebrae formed by True Energy. At that moment, his strength grew.




catalyzed True Energy and

Energy would gather inside

on the newly

shattered and reformed

longer, his illusory body collapsed to the

state of being. Meanwhile, his original body was currently still sitting

illusory body collapsed to the ground, his original self vomited

instantly recovered. In less than ten minutes,

ten minutes, so you can infinitely repeat the process. Right now, you are already at your eighth vertebrae. As such, you have enough time to break and reform all thirty-three vertebrae. When that happens, your physical

momentarily before

vertebrae and reformed them using

was near

time. Your physical strength and determination are just as strong as the Divine Ape

kept offering him words

enduring the

Thirteen… Fourteen… Fifteen…

Eighteen… Twenty…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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