Chapter 2366

James weighed the pros and cons in his mind.

Defeating Lucifer would mean putting a stop to the Second Calamity.

He would have to accept the challenge no matter how things stood.

“Excellent. Since that’s the case, let’s begin. I’ll broadcast both matches live on the internet.”

After speaking, Lucifer casually waved his hand.

A woman immediately rushed over, took out her phone, and began filming. Lucifer’s account immediately began broadcasting the battle globally.

Lucifer was very famous on Earth, and had over 10,000,000 followers.

As soon as his live broadcast began, it attracted many viewers who were beasts.

“Hello, it’s me, Lucifer. Wrymstead’s Emperor and the King of Sol, James, has appeared on Mount Mala to challenge the Elephant King. If he wins, the beast army will withdraw from Sol’s Southwest Province.

me, the beasts

voice was carried

attention to the live

in her mansion in Bane City.

to gain James’ favor, hoping he’d

said calmly, “Calm down, Marcello. James’ body was reconstituted by the Natal Priomordial Spirit that used to belong to Lucifer’s father. His

the thuggish Elephant King that stood at over 200 centimeters tall. He had flushed skin and a full head of black hair, giving him a brutish

powerful energy was released by the

the energy was unleashed, James immediately felt crushed under the pressure. It left

strength.”James could not help but

King’s energy alone made him feel like he had lost the battle

extraordinary martial arts skills. The

arrogance and confidence. “I won’t show you mercy, human. I’m going to tear

Sacrilegious Ascension, and the True Essence hidden within his meridians stirred. The tremendous force

and rapidly coalesced to form a new spine.

now greatly enhanced.

not be a match for the Elephant King if he did not use the Sacrilegous Ascension because the divide between their cultivation ranks was too great. This was the only

to his thirty third

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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