“That’ll be great.”

James’ face was full of gratitude.

It was his wish to restore his strength.

The Nine Scriptures of Ordeals was all-encompassing and extremely complex. It was hard for him to fully understand it in such a short period.

The Nine Scriptures of Ordeals contained the best martial art techniques found throughout the world.

Thomas sneaked into Polaris Sect ten years ago.

Over the years, he learned numerous martial art techniques that came from various corners of the globe.

He did this to learn about the different types of martial arts found across the world so he could use the knowledge to come up with an invincible martial art technique.

Although he could not practice the Nine Scriptures of Ordeals, Thomas had fully grasped the theories behind it.

He shared what he understood about the Nine Scriptures of Ordeals in detail with James.

James spent the next few days in bed, listening to Thomas’ teachings.

With someone guiding him, James quickly understood the parts that he could not comprehend in the past.

“Thank you.”

After organizing the information he had been given and taking the time to understand it, James sincerely expressed his gratitude.

need for formalities between you and

to practice the

“I-It’s fine.”

this, James was

not something

the brink of death to practice the technique, and a single misstep could result in

cautiously because it was

“By the way…”

penultimate stage in the Thirteen Heavenly Swords is the manifestation of a fourteenth sword. However, I thought that it was only a myth. It’s actually a little similar to the

but was

stolen the signature techniques from a wide variety of sects including the

extensive knowledge of many martial art techniques, he was

mastered the Polaris Sword

half of the Polaris Sword Art that had not been created

reaching his current rank, he achieved many things and acquired

presumed the Fourteen Heavenly Swords and the Polaris

was the manifestation of swordsmanship after reaching the


surmised that they were somewhat similar. This is the

your current condition. Otherwise, I’d teach you the Polaris Sword

smile, “Senior, you’ve already

name, he had done so much for James. So, James felt it was only polite for him to address him

would have never guessed that Archbishop Polaris in front

I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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