The deepest region of the world was shrouded in Curse Magic.

A black palace floated in the sky, and many ferocious monsters surrounded the area.

There were flying monsters, land monsters, and all kinds of different monsters.

They all had one similar characteristic—their whole body exuded black energy.

The monsters looked very evil.

At that moment, a beautiful, expressionless woman flew out of the black palace.

She appeared in the air and held a black sword. The sword's tip was slightly curved and the blade radiated terrifying black energy.

She waved her sword, and black energy emerged to form several mysterious words that looked like a command.

The various monsters around the palace roared as soon as they saw the words appear.

At that moment, the color of the sky immediately changed.

ferocious monsters began to charge

monsters away from the

suddenly attacked the cultivators that entered the unknown world,

by a mysterious force. The absorbed Blood Essence

was sitting on a mountaintop somewhere

“What’s that?”

at the

sky. He saw the vague red words in the

time, James noticed the smell of blood

the other powerhouses also looked toward

shocked by the

it briefly, Xainte turned to James, asking, “Do you know what that

head and said, “I

Jabari, who was inside the Celestial Abode, about the

Jabari had already gone into seclusion.

paying attention to the outside world, but he could not make sense of what was

while, James. I’ll go and ask

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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