The Sanctuary of Darkness had been making preparations to resurrect a certain powerful individual for many long years. Throughout the many long years, they controlled many powerful individuals to do their bidding. However, just as they were about to accomplish their objective, James appeared out of nowhere and ruined their plans. So, James had to die. Otherwise, the plan would fail. If the Master blamed the Chancellor for this failure, he had no way of shouldering the responsibility. The plan must work even if the Twelve Furies had to pay with their lives.

Killing intent rose in the Chancellor’s heart. Holding a black sword in his hand, he exuded a terrifying aura. He was originally a Grand Emperor at the Second Heaven. Yet, after absorbing the Curse Power of this world, he was now at the Ninth Heaven. This strength was unprecedented even in the Primeval Age, where he would be considered a top-notch fighter. Though James had many treasures in his possession, the Chancellor believed that he would not live for long.

Clenching the sword in his hand, his body flashed, and he appeared before James and pierced with his sword. At his rank, his speed was extraordinary, so fast in fact that even James could not sense his presence. By the time James reacted, the sword was only inches away.

His mind stirred, and the Infinity Steles in the pile of rubble down below appeared before him in an instant and blocked the Chancellor’s fatal attacks.


terrifying sword struck the Infinity

the Infinity Steles were unscathed. However, after absorbing the attack, the power spread throughout James’ body. James was immediately sent flying and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. At that moment, he hurriedly summoned the

how powerful the Elemental Wheel was, the Chancellor chose to dodge

summoned Demonic Energy to heal his injuries. Now that he had

Curse Power inside his body fiercely, he could not stop them from escaping. Though the depletion speed was slow, this could not continue. If this continued,

“Die!” he roared.

He attacked relentlessly, and with his immense power, he fought against the Elemental Wheel head-on. James suffered tremendous injuries. As James suffered injuries, Emperor Jabari, who was inside the Celestial Abode, was

“Grand Emperor.”

Tool was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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