The Oscars had researched the mysterious characters on the ancient scroll for many Great Eons only to fail. That was why they eventually sold it. As for Emperor Jabari who had always immersed himself in heritage and ruins, he could understand the script naturally. However, this did not mean that the Emperor was an expert, for he could only identify the scripts and their most superficial meaning. The rest was unbeknownst to him.

James was not worried. As long as the Emperor was around, the scripts on the Ancient Scroll would eventually be deciphered. As he gazed at the abandoned planets in front of him, he asked, “Grand Emperor, where should I head to now?“

The Emperor’s voice spread from the Celestial Abode, “It’s up to you. This is the Desolateness Ruins after all. The Ruins isn’t a planet, it’s this night sky. The reason you are here is to cultivate. Going anywhere else doesn’t change that.”

the slice was executed very neatly. In the Primeval Age, this must have been a

step on a piece of abandoned earth, he sensed extremely violent energy coming at him in waves. This caused his body to be rotated outwards into the infinite space. The force was so huge

worried. No wonder even a Grand Emperor would not want to step into this place. It was so easy to get hurt here. He took a deep breath. His body was uncanny as it recovered at a speed that was

the frightening force came at him once again. This time, he took care not to be drawn into it. However, that alone was not enough to resist the violent energies in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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