Benedict sat on the ground. Though wretched, he glanced at James and asked nonchalantly, “Why are you here?”

Though he appeared nonchalant on the outside, he was secretly puzzled inside. Why could an insignificant figure like James freely enter the Pavilion’s holy site?

‘Could he really be an extremely powerful guy?’

He was puzzled.

James walked into the dungeon and waved his hand casually. Immediately, a chair appeared. As he sat on the chair, he looked at Benedict and said coldly, “Benedict, do you know why you lost?”

Benedict shook his head and said, “I don’t know, nor do I wish to know.”

he had lost. His fate would be terrible. Perhaps he would live,

you’ll work with the Sanctuary from the inside when they attack the Pavilion. When

this question but could not figure

smiled and said, “Simple. That’s because by siding with the Sanctuary, you cultivated Curse Magic, and as such, there’s Curse Power

all? I have never used Curse Power in public, and it

James smiled faintly.

his mind stirred, and tens of thousands of Curse Characters emerged from his body and appeared before Benedict. Each of these characters was imbued


Benedict instantly froze.

be? Y-You are a member of the Sanctuary as

shook his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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